克日,一名久居中国的澳大利亚大叔吐槽“返国后太难了”的一段视频在抖音平台敏捷刷屏,已得到 211 万点赞,11 万批评。
视频中,这位 ID 为“萌叔大卫老师”的大叔,在阳光辉煌光耀的澳洲海滩上,生无可恋地说,“特殊想回中国! 中国人真的很 lucky!”
他说本身感受到了猛烈的“逆向文化打击(reverse culture shock)”。
“ I’m very used to the Chinese lifestyle. I came to Australia, it's very… 不方便。”
“ If you don’t drive a car ( in China ) , you don’t do a lot of things, you just ride a bike. You can get anywhere, there’re subways. Everything. ”
但是在澳大利亚,“啥都没有,假如你没有车,你就死了 …… ”
“ It’s like dedede beng. Goodbye! It’s so quick. ”
“ You have to go to the supermarket, or you 就 si 了 . ”
“ It’s really, really difficult to live in a country like Australia, especially after you’ve spent so much time in China. I really, really miss China. ”
根据这位澳洲大叔的交际媒体信息,他来中国已 10 多年了,现在在内蒙古担当英语老师,除了偶然发布关于英语学习的内容,他也会分享一些本身的履历感想。
A lot of people misunderstood the last video I made; they thought I was attacking my country. I was not. It’s just people didn’t understand me.
“ It’s just different. China is built for convenience while Australia is lesspopulated and well-known for its relaxed lifestyle. And I’ve spent over 10 years in a highly dense, populous country. So suddenly coming back from China to Australia, of course I would have some kind of reverse culture shock. There is nothing wrong with that. ”
populated :有生齿居住的
populous :生齿稠密的
“ I love both places, both countries are my home. I love my country, Australia is a beautiful place but so is China. And I really miss China. ”
说到文化打击(culture shock),各人都以为,只有到了一个生疏的国度,才会感受到文化差别。实在对于在国外呆久了的人来说,返国一样会感受到文化差别,这就是 @萌叔大卫老师所说的“逆向文化打击(reverse culture shock)”。
Reverse culture shock is the emotional and psychological distress suffered by some people when they return home after a number of years overseas. This can result in unexpected difficulty in readjusting to the culture and values of the home country, now that the previously familiar has become unfamiliar.
Life is dominated by cars ( well, in the US it usually is ) . There’s no cheap and good public transportation, so you always have to borrow or rent a car or ask for a ride.
And then this feeling you can’t quite put your finger on. Compared to Beijing, life seems so boring. Everyone seems so settled. It seems nothing has changed at home, except for you. And now you don’t feel like you fit in anymore.
在 eChinacities 网站上,美国人 Cynthia Lopez 返国后无比缅怀禁枪的中国:
The number of mass shootings in the US has quickly escaladed in the recent years. Worrying about gun safety is not a concern I have in China—guns are illegal in China. Due to America’s deeply embedded gun culture and the NRA’s influence, guns will probably never be illegal in the States.
对于网友 SDteven 来说,最直观的逆向文化打击在于,他之前以为故乡不错的中餐馆,如今吃起来很垃圾 :
That Chinese restaurant food that I thought was great tasted like it was cooked last week, frozen, thawed and frozen and thawed before being overcooked again…
我之前以为很好吃的中餐馆,如今吃起来感觉像是上周做的菜,冷冻解冻好频频,然后又热了一遍端上桌 ……
好比中国第一个做陌头采访的外国人自媒体“歪果仁研究协会”,在微博上拥有 338 万的粉丝。
It is an organization that studies what "chemical reactions" can occur when foreigners encounter Chinese culture. At the same time, it introduces China to foreign youth and familiarizes them with foreigners.
(编辑 张宇)